Food Baskets Prepared to Give Out |
It has been a very full two months! We started November with "Day of the Dead" in which Guatemalans make and fly huge kites. Most use it to remember their loved ones who have passed but some believe they can communicate with their dead on Nov 1. We went with Melanie's family to Sumpongo to watch them fly the kites they made. This is a very big day in Guatemala.

Jack and McKenzie were invited to the graduation of kids from "Luz Del Mundo" (Light of the World) School, which is the school our church was birthed from. They handed out Bibles to each graduate and congratulated them. These Bibles were the end of what was raised by Maddie Howie, Jack and McKenzie. The school has about 170 kids from the poorest homes who attend. Each child has a sponsor so they can attend. The children are taught everyday from the Word. Most have never heard the gospel until attending this school.
Jack & McKenzie Passing out Bibles |
We had another opportunity to serve with Compos De Suenos where two days per week kids come and get fed, and hear the word taught through acting. They study the entire Bible, sing to the Lord and play games together. They also had some graduates who needed Bibles and we were able to give them some Action Bibles, as reading and writing is less common here.
Serving with Compos De Suenos |
Every year Guatemalans celebrate "Burning of the Devil." An artist constructs the devil and he is put on display at the entrance of Antigua for several weeks until Dec 7 at 6PM, when thousands of people gather to watch him be set on fire. It is a symbol of cleansing their homes and spirits from all the bad things so they can welcome the "Immaculate Conception" right before Christmas. Many homes participate in this and will take garbage and burn it in the street in front of their homes. It was a sad night driving past many homes with false beliefs that do no spiritual good. Driving past this huge statue of Satan was also super creepy!
The Devil before He was Burned |
Dan's parents came and visited for a week!! We celebrated Jasmine who turned 14 and had an early Christmas with them. It was so much fun to share our life here with them and for them to meet the people we are serving with. Nancy raised money to buy more Bibles and we joined Luis and Neftali and to visit some homes in their village. Luis and Neftali hold a Kid's Club every Friday where 70-80 kids come to read through the Bible, play games, make crafts, and get a snack. They have built relationships with these families, but almost all are unbelieving. Gary and Nancy purchased items to fill 15 baskets for families with food and a Bible. We went into their homes, shared the gospel, asked how we could pray, and prayed for their families. It was such a privilege to be part of what they are doing and help encourage them in their service of the Lord.
Praying for a Man who's Child Attends Kid's Club |
We have been building relationships with the guards at our house and one in particular has spent a lot of time talking with us. He is a brand new Christian who didn't own a Bible. He is also learning English, so Dan gave him his bilingual Bible and invited him to join us with Luis and Neftali as we went into homes. He heard the gospel shared multiple times and told us how each time he understood it a little more. He even had the opportunity to share the gospel with one of the families. He lives very close to Luis so we wanted to help build that relationship. Luis will be able to disciple him and encourage him in his faith!
Fernando on the Right eating pepián w/ us and Luis's family |
We also were invited to see a ministry in the mountains that a family in our church leads every M-F where kids are fed an afternoon lunch and taught the Bible. We were so encouraged by their desire to "be doers of the word and not just hearers." They have 20-25 kids every day come through their home, make the food, and wash all the dishes. They are laboring well for the kingdom, and we will continue to visit and encourage them in what they are doing.
Seth, Jack, and Kadi hosted a team who came down from the US and stayed in the Tree Ministries house. Melanie was back in the states, and they wanted to come lead a week of VBS, so Kadi, Seth, and Jack played the host. Early morning breakfasts, translating, transporting, and helping prep food for the VBS. Super fun week with this awesome team, who actually were very encouraging to our family while they were here.
Seth Translating for the short term Missions Team we Hosted |
A week before Christmas our family had the privilege to serve at the House of Destiny orphanage. We got to play and hang out with some really sweet kids to give the staff there a short break around the holidays. Our kids loved holding the babies, reading books, and playing outside with them. They were all adorable and it was very sweet to be a part of their day.
Kaylee helping this little guy eat a Sugar Cookie |
Last but not least, we are required to leave the country every 6 months because we are not residents. Kadi cannot work in the US and have residency in Guatemala, so we are required to leave to renew our visas. We were so excited to hear that Josh and Carlee Howie would be spending time in Costa Rica over the holidays, so we took 5 days to go see them! Just a short flight away from Guatemala. It was a huge blessing to spend time with them.
Thank you so much for all of your support through prayer, reaching out, and financial giving. We are very grateful for all those who are able to partner with us in what God is doing here in Guatemala. Scroll down to see more photos of our family over the last two months:
Jack and Seth eating with Ben & Luke Howie in Costa Rica |
Jack holding Baby Isabelle at House of Destiny Orphanage |
Women's Christmas Dinner at our Church El Faro |
Seth & Nancy serving with Luis
Playing Uno during our 8 hour Lay-over in Costa Rica |
Lighting off Fireworks is part of Celebrating Christmas in Guatemala |
McKenzie was Super Excited to get a Sparkler to Celebrate New Years |
Swinging at the Orphanage House of Destiny |
Reading and Holding Babies, Not a Bad way to Pass the Time |
This little Guy likes Kaylee |
Kadi holding baby Genesis, 4 days 4 pounds! |
Jasmine Snugglin' a Sweet 18 Month Old |
Seth Sharing the Gospel in Spanish |
Praying before Going to Homes to Share the Gospel and Baskets of Food |
Jack Hanging out w/ Grandma & Grandpa |
The Girls Hanging Out w/ kids at Campos de Suenos |
The Girls in Central Park Antigua Sporting Colorful Hair Accessories |
Jack Helping us Shop for the Missions Team's VBS |
Seth helping Prep for the Missions Team we Hosted |
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