Juan Carlos & Liz, Andreé & Yesenia, Dan & Kadi |
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." - Psalm 1:1–2
Liz & Kadi visiting Alizon's Home |
JANUARY was a welcome month as we got back to a routine. We were able to visit families, including sweet Alizon’s family (she is a little girl that Kadi’s parents support). Kadi and Jack spent some time visiting with the family giving them a food basket, a quilt, and praying for them.
A praise! Jan 14th the new president of Guatemala took office after the previous government made every possible attempt to stop them, including the day of the inauguration where they refused to let them in the government buildings to be sworn in. Finally, in the 11th hour and after heavy protests, they took office. Everything immediately settled down, and everything returned to normal.
Worship Breakout during Dan's Birthday / Graduation Party |
One of the things we love most in Guatemala is how many musicians we are surrounded by. We celebrated Dan's birthday, and his graduation from seminary, and after the guys broke out instruments and started worshiping together. In a place where mostly women attend church, there are few things more awesome than seeing a group of men spontaneously break out in worship to the Lord.
McKenzie & Mateo Playing Chess at Luz Del Mundo School |
In Jan we started a new routine, which we are loving. We serve at Luz Del Mundo school (attached to our church). We help the little kids with breakfast and then each go to a “special area” and teach guitar or piano, soccer, or table games and help with English. The goal is to help at the school in areas they need help with but also to build relationships with the kids and their families. For anyone interested here is a typical weekly schedule for us:
Seth Teaching Piano at Luz Del Mundo School |
Sun: Church, Dan leads worship each week and preaches every 6 weeks, fellowship, and church soccer
Mon: Teen girls Bible study
Tues: Missionary wives Bible study, worship practice
Wed: Pastor’s book study, Serve at Feeding Center, Spanish Bible study at church or English service for missionaries (depending on the month)
Thur: Dan’s Bible study with friends, open night for hospitality, Seth bible study
Fri: Serve at Luz Del Mundo school, women’s church Bible study
El Faro Church Bible Study |
FEBRUARY El Faro, our church, used to do Bible studies but hardly anyone would attend. Sometimes the pastor would prepare and no one would show up. He was hesitant to try it again, but thankfully he did. We are doing a 4 week study on church values for the month of February. We originally had planned to do a Paul Tripp series on marriage and parenting, but ultimately he decided to do Christian basics first. This meant for us not attending the Wednesday English service, but we felt that it was very important for us to be present every week to support, encourage, and participate now that our Spanish is at a level where we can. We have consistently had 14-21 people show up each week and PARTICIPATE! It has been so exciting and encouraging to see people come to learn and grow in the evening after the buses stop running and they have to walk in the dark. Our church is hungry for growth and we are beginning to see the one-anothers be intentionally lived out.
Tree Ministries Retreat |
Tree Ministries, which our friends Alex and Melanie operate, put on a retreat for the local leaders in the Antigua area. Ministries were able to bring their leaders to Lake Atitlan for 3 days where we were given free lodging, food, and teaching. As many of you know, the biggest reason missionaries leave the field is because they don’t get along with other missionaries. Also, many organizations will not even place missionaries in the same general area because they fight. It is no different in Guatemala. Unity is a very difficult thing to attain among Christians down here. Tree Ministries brought in an instructor who teaches large organizations in the United States about different personalities and how they function. We spent several hours on different activities to help us see how different personalities perceive and process things and how these affect our ministries. It was especially helpful for Guatemalan leaders who have never seen this type of thing. The instructor pulled it all together by showing us how our giftings contribute to the body of Christ and how ALL are needed. We were also encouraged by excellent messages and worship. Dan was blessed to play bass guitar on the worship team for the retreat.
McKenzie Enjoying a Churro! |
A Praise! One tradition we started in the United States, which we stole from our friends, was to take our kids on a getaway during their 13th year and spend time with them one-on-one. We listen and talk, read our bibles together, and encourage them in their walk with the Lord. We discuss becoming a Godly man or woman and what that actually looks like. This was McKenzie’s year. McKenzie and Kadi took a little weekend trip and during that time McKenzie made the decision to be baptized. She has wanted to be baptized for about a year, at which time she gave her life to the Lord, but has been anxious about giving her testimony in front of people. We are praising the Lord that she is denying her fleshly fear to obey the Lord and will be baptized in March at our church. She is still anxious about publicly speaking so please be praying for her in this.
We are excited to return to the states for a few weeks in June so our kids can reconnect with friends, see grandparents and cousins, and attend church camp. We are excited to spend time with so many of you again.
We are truly so very thankful for each of you! Many of you reach out to encourage us with Scripture or let us know you are praying. We feel very loved and cared for down here. We know that the mission field is a really rough and lonely place for most missionaries, and most do not have good support from their sending church (if they even have one!). The Lord has truly given us a gift in sending us to Guatemala to work with the believers here. We are not lonely and we have a Biblical church that loves the Lord and loves us. We truly are at home. Thank you for helping us be able to serve down here!
Scroll down for more photos!
Jasmine in the girl's Telas Class |
Laser Guns at Dan's Bday Party |
El Faro Church Youth Group |
El Faro Church Women's Bible Study |
Dan Playing Guitar w/ Students at Luz Del Mundo |
Serving a Snack at Luz Del Mundo School |
Kadi Lovin' on Babies at Church |
Our Friend Danielle and her Daughter at Field of Dreams Ministry |
A Carpet for the Procession that Caused us to Go to Church 3.5 Hours Early! |
Dinner & Games with Friends from Church |
Jack lovin' on a Baby at Field of Dreams Ministry |
Kaylee Helping Students Wash their Hands before Snack at Luz Del Mundo School |
Jack & Seth Washing Up after Snack at Luz Del Mundo School |
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